Discover the Benefits of Juvederm

Are you tired of looking drained or dealing with premature wrinkles and lines? If so, you can handle the situation without getting invasive treatments like a facelift. When you want a more refreshed look, consider using Juvederm in Levittown, Long Beach, and Oceanside, NY. Here are reasons why it is a beneficial treatment. South Nassau Dermatology.

What Type of Skin Treatment Is It?

When you get Juvederm in Levittown, Long Beach, and Oceanside, NY, you are getting a dermal filler. Dermal fillers are injectable substances that go directly into the area that needs rejuvenation. Therefore, if you're afraid of needles, be aware that that's part of the process. However, as long as it's done by a certified professional, it won't be painful and there's barely any recovery to worry about.

What Are the Benefits?

You'll notice fast results with this filler. After all, the injection will remove lines or wrinkles, such as nose, mouth, or eye lines when you smile. It's a quick process that won't even take an hour of your time. The injection is only about 15 minutes. If you want a temporary solution that will last a long time, this is one of the best fillers to use as it can last as long as a year. 

What Is Preparation and Recovery Like?

Before you get this facial rejuvenation treatment, you will have a consultation at the office. The South Nassau Dermatology team will ask you if you have any allergies or medical history that involves certain medications. If aspirin is something that you regularly take, you might want to hold off on that for a few weeks leading up to the treatment. As long as you don't have any medication concerns, there's not much to do beforehand.

It's an outpatient procedure, so you don't have to worry about the effects of anesthesia as you don't need that. The only numbing medication used will be on the part of your skin where the needle will go. Since it's a fast outpatient procedure, you can do it on your lunch break if your job is close. Your dermatology team would advise you to avoid anything strenuous to your skin, like excessive drinking or sunbathing, at least a day after the injection.

The South Nassau Dermatology team specializes in helping the local community get various skin treatments and diagnoses. For a long-lasting solution for lines and wrinkles, consider Juvederm in Levittown, Long Beach, and Oceanside, NY. Call the office in Oceanside, NY, at (516) 766-0345, Levittown, NY, at (516) 520-5280, and Long Beach, NY, at (516) 432-7124 to take the next step to smoother skin.

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